Supporting Legacies

Celebrity Legacy

Sharing insights from notable legacies

Ginni Galicinao

Legacy Coach and Author

Ginni’s legacy is one of immigration, determination, and perseverance. It began generations ago when a monk from Portugal traveled to the Philippines; to her father’s solo journey to the United States; and, her mother’s parent’s journey to the United States. Ginni’s father was one of the first cohorts of Filipinos to attend and graduate from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. He was also one of the first Filipino engineers to work with and travel the world for NASA, especially during the Apollo Space Program. Ginni is continually surprised to hear about people in the Philippines who speak with admiration and respect for her father. What it took for these young people to leave their home and travel (by themselves) to a strange land is a story of courage, bravery, and love of family.

Ginni continues to live out this legacy through her profession. Ginni is helping to shift the way that families and individuals of means navigate challenges, family dynamics, and the impacts of wealth, so that they may have the best chance of thriving individually and collectively.

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