Sharing insights from notable legacies

Photo:  © 21st Century Fox

Musicians, the von Trapp Children

the movie, the Sound of Music

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The real von Trapp family's story inspired the play and movie, The Sound of Music

Ariana VON TRAPP Fletcher

Ariana von Trapp Fletcher, Chef and Founder of Giggle Gour​met

Ariana is a great-granddaughter of Baron Captain Georg von Trapp, World War I Austro-Hungarian naval hero and father of the von Trapp children—whose family's life story inspired the world-renowned musical, The Sound of Music—and his first wife Agathe Gobertina Whitehead, granddaughter of British engineer Robert Whitehead, inventor of the torpedo. Ariana's grandmother, Baroness Johanna von Trapp, performed in the Trapp Family Choir and Trapp Family Singers, and was later portrayed as the second youngest von Trapp child, 'Marta', in the play and movie.

Johanna was a talented cook preparing meals for her family during their years on tour, as well as for guests during the von Trapp family’s summer venture, the Trapp Family Music Camp.  Later, she continued to entertain and prepared meals for her own family, passing down her love of cooking to her children and grandchildren.

Photo: © Georg & Agathe Foundation

Photo: Courtesy of von Trapp family

ENGINEER Robert Whitehead

von Trapp and whitehead

Parents to the von Trapp children portrayed in the play and movie, The Sound of music


von Trapp

Continuing the Culinary Legacy


One of the world's most beloved, enduring, and popular musicals of all times

Agathe's grandfather, Robert Whitehead, was a British engineering and inventor of the torpedo

Ariana's grandmother, Baroness Johanna von Trapp, cooking at the Trapp Family Music Camp

von Trapp, Sound of Music, Sound of Music musical, Sound of Music movie, Sound of Music play, Sound of Music broadway, von Trapp children, Trapp Family Choir, Trapp Family Singers, Georg von Trapp, Agathe Whitehead, Maria von Trapp,, the von Trapps, Georg & Agathe Foundation, Speaking Agency, Legacy Consultancy, Media House, speakers, consultants, celebrity, notable legacies, public speaking, keynote, workshops, panel discussions, inspiring messages, uplifting messages, impactful messages, powerful messages, relevant messages, inspiring stories, actionable takeaways, memorable experience, memorable takeaways, inspirational, connection, impactful, meaningful, authenticity, experience-grounded, sustainability, corporate responsibility, corporate social responsibility, CSR, environmental, green, long-term branding, handling organizational changes, handling organisational changes, handling leadership changes, living core DNA values, family, legacy, leadership, power of connection, inspiring connection, perseverance, meaningful growth, and interpersonal dynamics, strategic planning, thrive, female-led, multi-generational, next generation, family business, family enterprise, philanthropy, well-known families, business consulting, leadership change, resilience, family office, legacy management, self-actualize, family governance, family organisation, family organization, wealth management, National Society of Colonial Dames of America, Rockefeller, Buffett Family's Learning By Giving Foundation, Boston University, St. Lawrence University, human, intellectual, social, and spiritual capital, Goddard, Hazard, Rhode Island industrialists, Széchenyi, Rákóczy, Zrínyi, and Frangepán, Szechenyi, Rakoczy, Zrinyi, Frangepan, stewardship

Photo: © Ariana von Trapp Fletcher

von Trapp

Naval Hertiage, Georg & Agathe

Photo:  Courtesy of Whitehead family

Musician & Chef, Johanna von Trapp

Celebrity Legacy

Photo: Courtesy of von Trapp family

Descendant of Baroness Johanna von Trapp, 'Marta' in The Sound of Music