• Shepherding your mission: living core DNA values and the power of long-term branding

  • ​​​​Legacy management: how to honor your past and forge a future 

  • Sustainability: making the link between legacy goals and sustainability strategy

  • Philanthropy: connecting philanthropic efforts to legacy and shared values

Celebrity Legacy


Sharing insights from notable legacies

Shela Gobertina von Trapp

Descendant of Illona Zrínyi, Croatian & Hungarian national heroine

"I've benefited from Shela's ability to credibly quantify cost savings and environmental benefits of large scale 'green' purchasing, first while I was leading the Federal Supply Chain Office at the General Services Administration and now as the CEO of the Green Electronics Council, the managers of [the ecolabel], EPEAT [Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool]. Shela not only has broad sustainability and supplier management expertise, she knows how to apply it as part of both corporate procurement and customer engagement strategies."
Nancy Gillis, CEO, Green Electronics Council (GEC), Portland, Oregon, USA

Shela Gobertina von Trapp

SelecT Accolades

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