Sharing insights from notable legacies

Celebrity Legacy

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Beth Amorosi on panel discussion about Bridge of Spies

Beth Amorosi

BetH Speaks

Photo: AP

  • ​​​The James B. Donovan story: changing the diplomatic paradigm

  • Bridging the gap: the power within us all to be agents of change​

  • Character and ethics: what we can learn from James B. Donovan as a role model

"It was my absolute pleasure to host the screening and discussion of Bridge of Spies here at Harvard Law School! The legacy of your grandfather [James B. Donovan] is inspiring, and I am grateful we were able to work together to honor him." 

Helen Chu Dean and Professor, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Descendant of James B. Donovan, cold war hero in Bridge of Spies

  • ​​​English

SelecT Accolades

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