Sharing insights from notable legacies

"Thank you ⁦‪@mickeybergman‬⁩ for speaking at the ⁦‪@KenzieAcademy‬⁩ event tonight! Your story about facilitating a workshop between Cuban and American Developers to discuss coding tips and techniques was inspiring!"

Mickey Bergman

  • Behind-the-scenes insight: the Myanmar Rohingyas crisis and the pathway to resolution

Mickey Bergman speaking at The Emirates-Aspen Partnership working group inaugural Abu Dhabi Gallup Fourm

© 2017-2025 Celebrity Legacy B.V. All rights reserved. Netherlands KvK Number 68743157 | Terms and Conditions

Expert in fringe diplomacy and nominated for 2019 Nobel Peace Prize

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  • Hebrew

Celebrity Legacy

Mickey Speaks

"A real treat listening to ⁦‪@mickeybergman‬⁩ recount his experiences in diplomacy."

Photo: Aspen Institute

"[Our] audiences expressed enthusiastic appreciation for Mickey’s sharp intelligence, his directness and honesty, his warmth and sense of humor, and his willingness to share an insider’s perspective into what really goes on in the negotiating room.  I wholeheartedly recommend him as a speaker for any intelligent audience curious about current events." Rabbi Stephen Cohen, Congregation B'nai B'rith, Santa Barbara, California, USA


  • Emotional Intelligence in International Relations: a new frontier

  • The untold story of negotiating the release of Princeton student, Xiyue Wang, from Iran

  • The Otto Warmbier story: securing the release of a Jewish student imprisoned for proselytizing Christianity in North Korea

  • Behind the Scenes: Turning U.S.-North Korean Relations; how is it being done

  • Fringe Diplomacy’s expanding role on the world stage: examples of catalyzing commerce and innovation to de-escalating conflict in Cuba, Myanmar, and Iran

  • Negotiating the release: political prisoners and hostages world-wide

SELECt Accolades

"Mickey was outstanding! People in our community have not stopped talking about what an amazing speaker and human he is. He was engaging, compelling, approachable, humble, and fascinating. We would be interested in having him return in the future."

Lori Kramer, Director of Education, Moriah Congregation, Deerfield, Illinois, USA