Sharing insights from notable legacies

American Naval Heroes

European Naval & Noble HerItage

18th & 19th century Unites States naval officers and national heroes​

Prominent entrepreneurs ​

the movie, The Sound of Music

"Perry's Victory"

Photo: Courtesy of von Trapp family

Photo: TBD

Photo: Courtesy of von Trapp family

Carla von Trapp Hunter

The Hazard family

Photo: courtesy of the Solvay Public Library, ​

Four generations of Rowland Hazards, 1883

Photo: © 21st Century Fox

The real von Trapp family's story inspired the play and movie, The Sound of Music​​

17th & 20th Century 

American Industrialists

One of the original Elizabethtown Purchase patentees  (first English settlement in the Colony of New Jersey) and establisher of the first commercial whaling enterprise in America  

​​Solvay Process Collection

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Carla's great-grandparents: the real-life Georg and Maria von Trapp​

Painting: Samuel Finley Breese Morse 1822

Early settlers of Rhode Island, industrialists, politicians, philanthropists, and activists

One of the world's most beloved, enduring, and popular musicals of all times​

Inventors & Innovators,

Whitney and The Blakes

Descendant of Mayflower passengers and early American industrialists

Photo by Coleman & Remington

Early American Settler &

Entrepreneur, John Ogden

Mayflower passengers and early settlers of America: Pilgrims, founders of the Plymouth Colony, Governor, and signatories to the Mayflower Compact​​​

Photo: © Mike Haywood

Celebrity Legacy

Painted by William Henry Powell of Cincinnati in 1865

Carla directly descends from multiple historic legacies. She is a great-granddaughter of Baron Captain Georg von Trapp and his second, wife Baroness Maria Augusta von Trapp— whose family’s life story inspired the world-renowned musical, The Sound of Music. Carla is a granddaughter of Baroness Eleonore von Trapp of the Trapp Family Singers. She is a member of the Hazard family of Rhode Island— prominent industrialists, philanthropists, and activists. She also descends from six of the Mayflower passengers, and other notable early European settlers of America.

Multiple Family Legacies

Musicians, von Trapp Family

19th-century American family responsible for the cotton gin, the Blake Stone Breaker, advancements in communication and sound-recording, and various hardware innovations

Mayflower Passengers - Founders of the Plymouth Colony