Sharing insights from notable legacies
© 2017-2025 Celebrity Legacy B.V. All rights reserved. Netherlands KvK Number 68743157 | Terms and Conditions
"Carla is an inspirational speaker. She combines her family history, personal experience, research, and emotional intelligence in a very smooth, effective, and fun way. She is a star on stage and impactful in small group (advising) sessions. Carla not only understands 'legacy issues' academically, but because she's lived it herself she is able to advise and coach others from a place of empathy."
Stefan Tax, second generation Rijk Zwaan and working for de Dutch Family Business Federation, The Netherlands
"The audience and the media fell in love with Carla and she did [her] family heritage a remarkable honor."
Publisher and Translator, Sendik Books, Israel
Carla giving the keynote address at the FBNed |
FamilieBedrijven Nederland annual meeting
Celebrity Legacy
Descendant of Mayflower passengers and early American industrialists